AMS RRG’s demonstration of consistent operating results since inception have been driven by an unwavering member focus along with a differentiated risk management approach.

Financial Strength

AM Best has assigned a Financial Strength Rating of A- (Excellent) and a Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of “a-” (Excellent) to AMS RRG. The outlook assigned to these Credit Ratings is Stable. The rating, in their opinion, demonstrates an excellent ability to meet ongoing insurance and senior financial obligations.

AMS RRG’s rating of A- (Excellent) by AM Best and A’ (A Prime), Unsurpassed by Demotech demonstrates the long-term financial strength and stability of the company.


AMS RRG corporate structure provides members ownership, governance and solution flexibility.

AMS RRG is reinsured by AM Best A rated international reinsurers including Hannover Re and Lloyd's of London. Coverage is provided for any member claim in excess of $500,000 per medical incident.


The following financial information is from AMS RRG's audited GAAP statement:

2023 2022 2021
Total Assets $436,215 $385,412 $339,159
Gross Written Premium $111,492 $95,174 $87,044
Net Written Premium (NWP) $86,705 $52,682 $54,359
Total Shareholder's Equity* $95,774 $78,891 $87,159
NWP/Surplus 0.91 0.67 0.63

Dollar figures are in the thousands. *Shareholder's equity does not include dividend returns.