Our member-focused approach means we will make the claims process simple, seamless and accurate.
Report a Claim
A full list of guidelines, advice and best practices for reporting a claim is available to download below. Following these protocols ensures that AMS RRG can meet your claim needs quickly and accurately.
As indicated, immediately forward your report via fax or email along with copies of any written demand, notice, summons or other process documents to:
Email: claims@amsrrg.com
Fax: 817-704-4291
1. Check Your Policy
Identify whether your policy allows the reporting of probable claim events in addition to claims, or if you hold a claims-only policy. Either way, our Risk Management services are available to you and your practices.
2. Choose Report Type
Based on the allowed reporting in your policy, identify what type of claim you wish to report and download it to your computer.
3. File Your Report
File your report in writing as soon as possible. If your policy form allows for the reporting of probable claim events, the report must be in writing on the form on the website, and sent promptly to claims@amsrrg.com. You may also fax to (817) 704-4291. As required in the form, please attach any medical records in your possession.
In the Meantime:
Do not engage your own attorney.
Do not make any admission of liability, assume any obligation, make any payment, incur any expenses or agree to arbitration.
Do not make any agreement with your patient or your patient’s attorney.
As soon as practicable thereafter, send any other information that may be requested by AMS RRG to the above address.
Do not discuss the case with anyone other than an AMS RRG claims attorney and/or your assigned counsel.
Immediate Notification:
It is essential that you notify our claims office of any of the following events immediately:
A demand for money
A verbal or written threat of legal action
A legal document naming you as a defendant or witness in a claim or a lawsuit involving your care and treatment of a patient
An attorney’s or patient’s notice of claim or letter of intent
A request for arbitration
A request for deposition or interview regarding your care and treatment of a patient
A subpoena, summons, complaint, notice of a lawsuit, or small claims court notice addressed to you in a lawsuit involving your care and treatment of a patient
Reporting a Claim to AMS RRG:
All claims must be reported immediately to our Claims Department.
Fax to (817) 704-4291; or
Email to claims@amsrrg.com
Please do not report claims by mail as this could delay reporting and jeopardize coverage.
What to Send
All claim documents (e.g., claim letter, demand, notice of intent to sue, summons, complaint, subpoena, or other document you receive that initiates the claim).
Insured’s contact information:
Email address
Cell phone number
Name and contact information of practice manager, if applicable.
Brief description of incident, including date of incident and care provided.
Medical records in your possession. (If the records are too voluminous, please contact us and we will provide you with an encrypted ShareFile link to enable you to upload the medical records.
Please note: A request for medical records is not a claim under the AMS RRG policy. Please do not forward medical records requests to AMS.
For questions regarding reporting a claim, potential claim or for Risk Management Assistance, please contact:
AMS Claims Department