Risk Management
For us, it’s not just about medical liability claims. We help our members take a proactive approach to risk management, offering insights into how to improve their practice and avoid a potential claim. From documentation issues to communication opportunities to improved policies and procedures, our expert claims team works in concert with physician leadership through the Insured Colleagues Program to closely support members to identify and resolve potential issues and mitigate risk.
Our People
The AMS Risk Management team is comprised of experienced professional liability risk attorneys and consultants who intimately understand the healthcare industry. Our team is available to assist our insureds in developing best practices that promote patient safety and reduce the risk of potential medical liability claims.
Our Focus
AMS Risk Management attorneys provide insurers with a wide range of resources to assist risk management needs, including individualized, risk assessments and real-time risk management advice. Attorneys handle both claims and risks which provide needed skills in prevention of injuries, and improved quality care of patients.
Our Technology
Amplifi provides a personalized behavioral nudge platform for frontline clinicians to tackle medical liability blindspots through risk education, while unlocking seamless, FREE continuing education.
Our Services
Individualized Practice Risk Assessment
Our team visits your practice for a comprehensive review — with no charge to you for travel. We provide written feedback, including suggestions and advice on compliance and risk mitigation.
Real Time Risk Management Advice
We are here for you - call (866) 520-6896 or email claims@amsrrg.com
Patient complaints
Difficult or angry patients
Attorney calls questioning patient care or treatment in the office or hospital setting
Hospital peer or quality review investigations
Information requests from DOJ, FBI or other agencies
Documentation on EMR and other concerns
Patient outcome discussion and management
HIPAA or cyber concerns (through AMS partner)
Transfer or EMTALA concerns (hospital or private practice)
Practice or clinical policies and procedure changes and updates