Medical Liability
Our innovative and collaborative approach is led by a team of industry experts and practicing physician partners, allowing us to fully understand the medico-legal challenges facing the industry today. This unique perspective results in more comprehensive policies, competitive rates, overall risk reduction, and access to valuable resources and our expert team members.
- Our physician ownership model combines sound clinical practice with financial incentives to mitigate risk.
- Our clinical, informed underwriting and approach to risk evaluation results in stable growth and financial strength.
- Our Specialty Medical Directors and claims experts work with members on risk strategy implementation.
- Our continued financial strength is supported through our sophisticated underwriting discipline.
Experienced, Insightful, Customized
Every member and client benefits from an innovative and collaborative underwriting approach. By having both Specialty Medical Directors and seasoned industry experts review each claim, we understand the medicine within the practice. Fundamentally understanding this risk enables comprehensive insurance to be offered to our members at competitive rates.
AMS RRG will be there for our members, especially in challenging times. Our expert claims, risk and underwriting teams are available to members with answers, resources and options to make the process easier.
Our company provides claims-made coverage options for:
Physicians and surgeons
Physician extenders
Professional organizations
Staffing facilities
Prior acts
Extended reporting endorsement
Stand alone tail
Depending on the type of risk, we incorporate multiple rating methodologies into the process:
Specialty rated
Per visit/encounter rating
RVU rating
Experience rating
Account executives and Specialty Medical Directors understand the unique aspects of their respective programs. No matter how complex, these team members have the training to resolve issues quickly and professionally on behalf of our clients. This commitment, coupled with full access to AMS resources, results in unparalleled service to our insured members.
A uniquely effective insurance solution for healthcare providers facing the challenges of Medicare and Medicaid billing audits and investigations.
MEDEFENSE™ Plus covers up to $250,000 of defense costs, shadow audit expenses, and regulatory fines and penalties resulting from civil investigations or proceedings brought by a government entity or commercial payer. It also includes coverage for EMTALA and Stark Proceedings.
A cyber liability insurance solution that offers a comprehensive suite of data security and privacy insurance solutions customized to the unique needs of healthcare professionals.
Privacy Breach Response
Covers all reasonable legal, public relations, advertising, IT forensic, call center, credit monitoring and postage expenses incurred by the insured for a privacy breach response.
Network Asset Protection
Coverage to recover and/or replace data that is compromised, damaged, lost, erased or corrupted. Coverage also includes business interruption and extra expense coverage for income loss resulting from interruption of the insured’s computer system.
Cyber Extortion
Covers extortion expenses and extortion monies as a direct result of a credible cyber extortion threat.
Cyber Terrorism
Coverage for income loss and interruption expenses as a result of the total or partial interruption of the insured's computer system due to a cyber terrorism attack.
Coverages are added by endorsement. Higher limits are available. For more information on obtaining additional coverage, please contact Dana Pollard Carulli.